“This ideal can be as yet only a little seed and the life that embodies it a small nucleus, but it is our fixed hope, that the seed will grow into a great tree and the nucleus be the heart of an ever-extending formation. It is with a confident trust in the spirit that inspires us that we take our place among the standard-bearers of the new humanity that is struggling to be born amidst the chaos of a world in dissolution, ..” - Sri Aurobindo
The Metacrisis

Picture Courtesy: Sebastião Salgado
The modern world has finally begun to wake up and acknowledge what wise elders in indigenous and traditional societies have been warning us about for centuries – The Metacrisis. A convergence of multiple crises that puts the future of humanity and millions of other species at a profound risk. A perfect storm that can sink our global Megamachine through a convergence of climate disruption, ecological breakdown, nuclear war, exponential technology (like AI), dizzying speed, scale and complexity, militant polarization along multiple fault lines, obscene wealth inequity, virulent pandemics, etc. The list is long and only a few of these need to align to set off a chain reaction that could tip us over the edge of extinction that we are currently teetering over. On our current trajectory, it’s only a matter of time.
The Metacrisis can also be seen as an evolutionary challenge. An inflection point that demands that we consciously evolve if we are to avoid self-inflicted annihilation. Most (if not all) of the knowledge needed for our conscious evolution is already with us for millennia. The question is whether we will be able to unlearn our hubris and complacency and discover the sincere will critical for the adventure ahead.
Evolutionary Leadership
The next 20 – 30 years are perhaps our last window to effect a deep transition or the Great Turning as some have called it. One of the key requirements for this process is going to be new leadership that can midwife the new human and the new collective. We at Aram are calling this Evolutionary Leadership.
Many other labels could equally apply as well. In truth, there is nothing radically new to it and as Gandhiji said, it is “older than the hills” in its essence and has been embodied by many great souls who have already walked this earth. The invitation to us however, is for the metaphorical imaginal cells to discover true co-creation and enable the metamorphosis of the butterfly.